Leonardo Torres Javier Rubio was born in Bogota DC, a November 15, 1976. His inclination toward the image in the interview despertcuando admisina film school & Photography 97, the interviewer mostruna night photograph of a forest that had chromatic tones ( nen colors) that was set aside to travs of the branches and trunks of the trees ... I wonder how did you know this picture? No answer, but I like photography but I have no idea what process was done .... It was a photo taken with color infrared film. Thanks to the good results obtained in the different works of photography I do to comply with the curriculum of the university in the year 2001 before graduating decided to set up a limited company you are calling photographic Trail, with PURPOSE making advertising photography (fashion, product) and architecture. After five years of work decides to terminate the company and from year 2006 work as an individual. Work but do not rule out direct client work through any advertising agency, the photographs exposed in this site are Indian women, which were not made for a particular customer. my portfolio http://javileopardo.googlepages.com/